A Series of popular science animation, about Bacteria stories and human body.

Producer: Shuyun Sylvia Lin 林梳雲 | Theme design and Planning: Shuyun Sylvia Lin 林梳雲 | Illustration / Art Director: Shuyun Sylvia Lin 林梳雲 | Animation / Motion Design: Cheng Hao Chang 張成豪 | Script: Wagasa Lin 林婉婷 | SFX: Flysound Studio 斐聲音效工作室 歐弟
泛科學自「科學大爆炸」科普節目播送起,科普動畫深受網路觀眾好評,於2017年第二季系列節目中特別企劃製作一系列以微生物/細菌為主題共五集動畫。與國內微生物研究知名的陳俊堯老師合作。每一集的細菌都以角色設計做出發,創造專屬於細菌的一段微小旅程,由最小的生物去觀看最偉大的自然。MicroJourney 細菌與人體國度系列動畫因此誕生。
Micro Journey I - Bacteria and Human body
The first episode is talk about the basic knowledge of bacteria and human body, we design a bacteria character to travel in the body world. This episode shows the whole fantastic view by popular science.
I. 細菌與奇幻的人體國度
Scene Illustration and Cover Design

Micro Journey II - Micrococcus luteus
The second episode is talk about the little yellow bacteria, it's Micrococcus luteus. Micrococcus luteus is an urease and catalase positive. An obligate aerobe, it is found in soil, dust, water and air, and as part of the normal flora of the mammalian skin. We love this cute one and we try to show a part of this bacteria knowledge.


Micro Journey III - Methylobacterium extorquens
The third episode is talk about a small drunkard living on the leaves, it's called Methylobacterium extorquens. It is a very beautiful bacteria. Scientists have tried many different kinds of plant leaves as materials, trying to keep the bacteria living there. The result is often raised a group of beautiful pink bacteria, and some will be orange, we fall in love with these little guys at a glance.



Micro Journey IV - Vibrio fischeri
The fourth episode is talk about a small fairy bacteria full of light under the sea , it's called Vibrio fischeri. They are natural inhabitants of seawater but can be found in fresh water. Vibrio fischeri, a species of bioluminescent bacterium, is frequently found in symbiotic relationships with marine animals like the bobtail squid. Their bioluminescence stems from their expression of a series of proteins contained in the lux operon.


Poster Design

Micro Journey V - Pseudomonas syringae
The fifth episode is talk about Pseudomonas syringae. It also produces ice nucleation active (INA) proteins which cause water (in plants) to freeze at fairly high temperatures (-4 to -2°C), resulting in injury. Pseudomonas syringae pathogenesis is dependent on effector proteins secreted into the plant cell by the bacterial type ill secretion system. We think it is a kind of leaf killer, and weapon is ice.


Poster Design

Micro Journey VI - Lactobacillus
The sixth episode is talk about Lactobacillus, Female guardian. In women, Lactobacillus species are normally a major part of the vaginal microbiota. Lactobacillus forms biofilms in the vaginal and gut microbiota, allowing them to persist during harsh environmental conditions and maintain ample populations. Lactobacillus exhibits a mutualistic relationship with the human body as it protects the host against potential invasions by pathogens, and in turn, the host provides a source of nutrients.


In Vagina
