念念是善 Smṛti
Digital animation work, win the prize "JING SHAN Classic Cultural & Creative Arts Awards 2019" of the Xia Jing Shan Arts and Culture Foundation. 參與 2019 年由財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會主辦之「2019 年荊山經典文創藝術獎」,榮獲數位動畫組 - 荊銅獎。
Production 化三侍 team WOW-SANER | Director: 張成豪 Porcu Hao | Art Designer: 林梳雲 Shuyun Sylvia Lin | Storyboard Artist: 張成豪 Porcu Hao | Illustrator: 林梳雲 Shuyun Sylvia Lin | Animator: 張成豪 Porcu Hao | Music & Sound Production: 吳尚芸 Shang Yun Wu | Production Manager: 吳尚芸 Shang Yun Wu

Concept Description
The creative team see the "complete goodness" in the painting ,"The Pharmacist-monks",by Xia Jingshan, the master in calligraphy and painting filed.The Pharmacist-monks from the Buddhism culture was the monk who could clear the pollution in human’s heart and purify any negative thoughts that make human personality crook, and heal people. The creative team took the paintings of the master, Xia Jingshan, as the inspiration of the animation, as well as combined the Public Welfare theme,"The Seeds of Good Seeds, Make Life Better", in Jingshan Classic Creative Arts Award 2019, into the animation "Smṛti". One of the main creative concept of "Smṛti" is “There are Buddhas in the heart, everyone is Buddha.”.In order to present the buddhahood and the bona fide loop of goodness, the storyline was connected by 5 short stories, including the story of an unemployed man and a grandmother in the park, the story of a little boy , an injured puppy, and a veterinarian, a story of the fruit shop owner and his granddaughter..etc. All of the stories are connected and eventually developed into an unexpected ending. When you pay close attention to it, you could tell that each character is an ordinary person in our daily life. By setting it up, we think that this is more able to present the main concept, "there is Buddha in the heart, everyone is Buddha", of the animation.The animation "Smṛti" tries to convey to every audience with a friendly painting style and simple storytelling: "In daily life, a simple act of goodwill may make the good thoughts in life cycle." The good thoughts of these cycles may help you when you unexpectedly!
在書畫藝術大師夏荊山〈藥師琉璃光如來〉一圖中,創作團隊看見「圓滿的善念」。藥師琉璃光如來能破除人心污染,淨化任何使人個性走歪或積鬱成癌的負面「念頭」,使人治癒。創作團隊以書畫藝術大師夏荊山的畫作發想,結合「2019荊山經典文創藝術獎」中「種下善的種子,使生活美好」的「公益」主題創作出的動畫作品「念念是善」。 「念念是善」主要創作理念為「心中有佛,人人皆佛」,為呈現人人皆佛與善念循環的概念,故事以 5 個短篇故事為軸線,包含失業的男子與公園中奶奶的故事、打球小男孩、受傷小狗與獸醫的故事、蔬果攤老闆與孫女等短篇故事串接,最終發展成出乎意料的結局。當你細心留意,會發現每個角色皆日常生活平凡的人物,以此設定來呈現「心中有佛,人人皆佛」。動畫以親切繪畫風格簡單的敘述,向觀眾傳達:「日常的一個善舉,足以讓生活中的善念產生循環。」而這善念說不定在你意想不到時幫了你一把!


Characters Design

Flower Move Design

Buddha Niche Design

Car Design



Poster Design

The Animation
Thank you for your attention.