旅飯見 Issue7 去金澤 專題 The project of "Go to Kanazawa/かなざわし" in pantravel.life
UI Design: Shuyun Sylvia Lin 林梳雲 | Illustration: Shuyun Sylvia Lin 林梳雲 | Program design: Audi Lu 呂國暉 | Text: Sabrina Huang 黃麗群

Sketch and illustration .
Oyama Shrine (尾山神社 Oyama Jinja), the famous shrine in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan.

Typography Design/ Calligraphy Font in Kanji

Full first page.

Second page.
以金澤著名工藝 - 水引 (みずひき)為選項呈現,不同的水引匹配相關領域,謀和作家的文章設定。達到設計與該地歷史文化之串接。美學與歷史叩合。

Illustration and Design of Mizuhiki. (水引 みずひき)It is an ancient Japanese art form that uses a special cord. The cord is created from rice paper, that is tightly wound, starched to give it stiffness, and then colored.