ZhongKui and The Bat
Digital animation work, win the prize "JING SHAN Classic Cultural & Creative Arts Awards 2018" of the Xia Jing Shan Arts and Culture Foundation.

動畫 - 鍾馗戲蝠 ZhongKui & The Bat
Digital animation work, win the prize "JING SHAN Classic Cultural & Creative Arts Awards 2018" of the Xia Jing Shan Arts and Culture Foundation. 參與 2018 年由財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會主辦之「2018 年荊山經典文創藝術獎」,榮獲數位動畫組 - 荊銅獎。以夏荊山作品中出現的鍾馗為主題,藉由「鍾馗戲蝠」一舞為發想,二次創作鍾馗與蝙蝠相遇的故事,並將其製作為數位動畫原創內容。淺銅飾團隊期待讓觀眾在觀看動畫過程中重新探索鍾馗人性面、嘗試顛覆刻板印象,創造具深度角色性格。
Production 淺銅飾 team Light.Brass | Director: 張成豪 Porcu Hao | Art Designer: 林梳雲 Shuyun Sylvia Lin | Storyboard Artist: 張成豪 Porcu Hao | Illustrator: 林梳雲 Shuyun Sylvia Lin | Animator: 張成豪 Porcu Hao | Music & Sound Production: 吳尚芸 Shang Yun Wu | Mastering: 王柏翔 Ber Wang | Production Manager: 吳尚芸 Shang Yun Wu
Design Concept Description & Sketch
Is the Chinese ghostbuster, ZhongKui, scary? If we googled ZhongKui, we can find the first impression of him is a scared, fierce-look ghostbuster, who is as strong as a horse and always in an anger mood. In fact, before becoming a ghostbuster, ZhongKui was a human being, a scholar and a man who has a younger sister. Since he had become a ghostbuster, we forgot his humanity. Is his humanity the same as his divinity? Inspired by the dance called the dance Bat & ZhongKui, Light.Brass try to discover the personality of ZhongKui and subvert the stereotype(if it is possible)! 鍾馗可怕嗎?一搜尋鍾馗,人們對其形象大多為具兇相及虎背熊腰的驅邪神祇。為了驅趕凶神惡煞、無惡不作的小鬼,鍾馗的面相已被定位成憤怒、凶猛、可怕。身為由人轉變的神祇,在大眾間的印象已被神格化。鍾馗生前的性格究竟是如何呢?其人性面是否也與被神格化中描述一樣的憤怒、凶猛、可怕呢?藉由「鍾馗戲蝠」一舞為發想,二次創作鍾馗與蝙蝠相遇的故事,並將其製作為數位動畫原創內容。淺銅飾團隊期待觀眾在觀看動畫過程中重新探索鍾馗人性面、嘗試顛覆刻板印象,創造具深度角色性格。

Inspired by jiangsu’s traditional dance called ZhongKui plays with the bat, we decided to keep the funny and humorous element in the animation. In the 1’16” long animation, the storyline combined ZhongKui’s career as a ghostbuster with the background of the bat. The story tells us how ZhongKui and the bat meet. It also shows the principle that ZhongKui chasing the ghost and redefine the impression of ZhongKui. 以江蘇經典傳統舞蹈「鍾馗戲蝠」為發想,數位動畫保留舞蹈風趣詼諧氛圍。故事內容將鍾馗神職「捉鬼」與戲蝠舞蹈串連,在短短一分十六秒鐘,翻轉鍾馗刻板印象、展現鍾馗人性面,並創造鍾馗捉鬼身邊蝙蝠,事實上是由小鬼轉變而成的背景故事。

Characters Design
The feature of ZhongKui & The Bat is that we remold the well-known characters. Not only ZhongKui but also the imp and the bat. As we mentioned before, ZhongKui turns into a character wtih human-beauty. The bat actually was a poor imp. After purified by ZhongKui , the poor imp turned into a cute bat and become the partner as ZhongKui chasing the imps. The characters add some interests in the animation. 重新塑造角色性格,探討鍾馗人性面、斬妖除魔時分辨「是非善惡」態度。由小鬼淨化而成的蝙蝠角色具趣味性,藉由鍾馗戲蝠一舞展露無遺。

(左 left)鍾馗 ZhongKui 中國神話中的道教神祇,專能鎮宅驅魔。(中 middle)小鬼 The Imp 成為小鬼原因不明,被邪靈附身後巧遇鍾馗,而後被淨化。(右 right)蝙蝠 The Bat 前身被邪靈附身的小鬼,被鍾馗驅魔後,淨化為蝙蝠,後協助鍾馗偵查惡鬼。



Poster Design



The Animation